Why 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 Comes 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 by Kewaskum, WI Newborn Trained Photographer!!!

1. Expertise in Handling:. We are trained in newborn safety knows how to handle them gently and securely during sessions.

2. Safe Posing Techniques: We are educated in safe posing techniques that minimize the risk of injury or discomfort for the baby. We understand the importance of supporting the baby’s head, neck, and spine.

3. Understanding of Baby Cues: We are more attuned to the cues and needs of newborns. They can recognize when a baby is uncomfortable or needs a break, is too cold or too Hot!!! We regulate all this!! ensuring a more positive experience for both the baby and parents.

4. Proper Props: We use safe props and designed specifically for newborn photography. All unsafe “technical” poses are Computer Composites!!!!

5.Emergency Preparedness: We are more likely to be prepared for any emergencies that may arise during a session. They know how to respond quickly and effectively if a situation occurs.

6.Peace of Mind: Knowing that the photographer is trained in safety can give parents peace of mind. It allows them to relax and enjoy the experience without worrying about their baby’s well-being.

7.Professionalism and Experience: A photographer who has invested time in training is likely to be more professional and experienced in their craft. This can result in higher-quality images and a better overall experience.

8.Reputation and Trustworthiness: Photographers who emphasize safety are often more reputable and trustworthy. They understand the responsibility of working with newborns and take it seriously, which can enhance their overall credibility.

In summary hiring a newborn photographer with training is more important that hiring the cheapest less experienced!! Don’t put your baby in danger!! Ask Questions before you Book!!

www.jaimeanndesignsphotography.com || Newborn and Family Photographer, Kewaskum, WI

Bonus Tip: You can Pre-Book as soon at your start your 2nd trimester to ensure a spot on the schedule + it gets all the lag work out of the way so you can enjoy all the moments up to the session and not stress.